The trick is when you learn to use it one-handedly. Also the drill-pipe slips.
The difference between a real roughneck and an oil-rig worker.
On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Ben Franchuk wrote:
Doc wrote:
Should I toss buttress threads in? Or the
whole family of oilfield
tool joint technology? Those are threaded pipe couplings meant to be
torqued to 50,000 ft/lb and more. You oughta see the pipe-wrench....
I bet you don't drop that pipe-wrench on your foot :)
Heck, Ben, I can't even pick it *up*!
They weigh ~400lb and are hung on a counter-weighted line. I did let
one run into my hand once on the swing, and carry a one-inch scar to
remember it by. I was way lucky it didn't take my thumb off.