On my SparcStation 300 I often get the error:
panic: memory address anichment
A bunch of hex and a restart.
Seems to happen when I 'push' the machine harder such as trying to run
openwindows. It may run but will surely crash. I am thinking of putting
heatsinks on the major ic's on the video card and motherboard in hope this
will bring things under control if something has passed out of tolerance
for heat.
Any advice? I have greased many a chip for clip-on type heatsinks and for
voltage regulators that were screwed onto a heatsink, but what kind of
epoxy do I use to secure a heatsink to a chip in the absence of any other
mounthing option? I assume an epoxy because I have SEEN lots of these
securing heatsinks to chips and allways wondered if it was a special
heat-conductive type.
Jeffrey S. Worley
Technical Services
Bits & Bytes Computer Services Inc.
1979B Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
828-684-8953 - voice 0900-1700 five days
828-687-9284 - 24hr fax
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?