On 7 Feb 2011 at 8:58, Simon Fryer wrote:
This is starting to get further off topic as this is
more a few years
into the future. I was reading the IEEE Spectrum for Feb and they have
a couple of pages about a move to 380V DC distribution for data
centres with a view to make it suitable for domestic use.
What with LED lighting for general illumination looming in the
future, a move to DC for lighting makes sense. But I see that more
as power supply(-ies) operating off the AC line. But a switching
supply shouldn't care if it's running from DC or AC.
If we move to plug-in electrics, DC distribution might make some
sense if it's the right voltage for use by autos. I suspect though,
that it's a long way off.
Probably about as far off as 40Mb/sec broadband is for my locale.