On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 6:26 AM, Josh Dersch <derschjo at gmail.com> wrote:
Cool. I managed to snag an M8217+M9403 so all I need
to do is track
down/build some cabling to tie the two together (any idea what the max
Officially it's just a pair of standard DEC 40 way ribbon cables.
length of these cables is?). I'm kind of hoping I
can use it to run a QBus
But _unofficially_ I've seen it run with the signals going down a pair of the
round cables used with RK07 drives (not the RL ones which don't have
all pins wired). So that was ribbon cable - bulkhead connector - RK07
type cable - bulkhead connector - ribbon cable. And it worked.
SCSI controller, amongst other things. I'll
report back my findings...
I've run RL drives off a RLV11 on a unibus machine with a DW11-B. That
used interrupts and DMA. I would think a SCSI controller should work