On Oct 6, 2013, at 5:36 PM, "Mark J. Blair" <nf6x at nf6x.net> wrote:
On Oct 6, 2013, at 13:52 , David Riley <fraveydank at gmail.com> wrote:
I'm told that's one of the reasons
it's hard to get hold of a VAX-11/780 these
days... there's enough gold in those (about 2 oz) that at today's prices, they
could yield about $2500 or so. Very sad.
Speaking of the 11/780, I would sure love to have one of those. I could probably manage
to make room for it in my workshop, but I don't think I could power it, cool it, or
keep mice from living in it (the workshop is an uninsulated steel barn, and it's not
yet rodent-proof).
You and several dozen other people. The main constraints to such an acquisition
1) Finding someone with an old one who is willing to part with it (usually
old factories or the like, most of whom are just going to look to a
scrapper or recycler first, because who would want a decades-old hunk of
steel?) before someone else gets to it
2) Paying to ship the damn thing; that's a truckload in and of itself,
especially once you include the peripherals usually required for a full
3) Figuring out where to put it (it's big)
4) Figuring out how to power it (you'll generally need 3-phase, and usually
pretty hefty if you have a sizeable load of RA-8x disks)
Usually #1 and #2 make it impossible for most people; if you can figure out
those, #3 and #4 probably aren't insurmountable.
- Dave