Commodore 64 Confuses Austrian Police
From article
[Reproduced entirely below]
Posted by kdawson on Tuesday September 05, @07:59PM
from the at-least-it-wasn't-a-trash-80 dept.
It's funny. Laugh.
toomanyairmiles writes, "It seems that Wolfgang Priklopil, the
communications technician who kidnapped Austrian pre-teen Natascha
Kampusch, relied on a Commodore 64 as his primary machine. Interestingly
this is presenting some problems to the Austrian computer forensics people.
Major General Gerhard Lang of the Federal Criminal Investigations Bureau
told reporters it would 'complicate investigators' efforts' and would be
difficult to transfer the files to modern computers 'without loss.' Could
this be the latest in the criminal world's security strategy? Can we expect
to see Spectrums, Archimedes, and Atari STs turning up in police
investigations soon?"
[Several hundred clueless and a few clueful comments follow-- see the
article on, op. cit.]
[SF] Laws change depending on who's making them, but justice is
justice.--Odo (A Man Alone)
--... ...-- -.. . -. ----. --.- --.- -...
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