On Jun 11, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Doc wrote:
There are
things I like about AIX, but I have a hard time
considering it to be UNIX, and *I DO NOT LIKE* IBM's attitude
towards support of tape drives.
First rule of administering AIX:
This Is Not UNIX. Deal with it.
I think that was basically my point.
I was agreeing. :)
Seriously, after teaching introductory AIX Admin for 10 years,
I'd call that the most common AIX showstopper. A LOT of UNIX
people just can't handle dtterm running on Some Other System.
The flipside is that with all its weirdness, AIX is the most
intuitive UNIX(tm) out there. Once you wrap your head around ODM
and the management tools' syntax, 2 seconds thought will get you to
the man page for a tool you need and never saw before, and 2
minutes in the man page will get you running. "mk<mumble>",
"ch<mumble>", "rm<mumble>", "ls<mumble>",
all with consistent syntax.
Nicely put!
Pretty good for an x86 fanboy, huh? :)
I'm impressed. You're the most knowledgeably x86 fanboy I've ever
known. ;)
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL