Richard wrote:
$20K with reserve not met?
The guy must be asking like $50K for it. I'm not sure its worth even
$20K, but the glamour of it with Jobs recently having died will
probably pull in some whales.
It's a bit of a boat anchor if it needs a Sun 4 with custom software[1] on
it which is long-gone - I mean OK, it might be possible to "get it running"
but surely making it *do* something is another matter entirely?
It's not exactly visually appealing, so although it might be nice for a
museum as an artifact for preservation, I'm not even convinced that it'd be
interesting as part of a display piece.
"What's unique about this computer is the tomb stone design and matching
monitor paint scheme." Heh :-)
[1] Although Al's point about them already having one is noted - maybe the
necessary is still floating around somewhere...