go with a
cheap LOCAL vendor
But if you pick the cheapest, you may find they underestimated
what it took to run a profitable company that will survive, and
6 months later are out of business.
I've seen it. People that bought from cheap local vendors that
offered 5 year, even lifetime, warranties, gone, gone, gone.
They come and go like sand on the beach.
If they want a cheap PC, they have probably doomed themselves
to failure from the outset.
It's not only the little mom&pop local vendors that disappear
like that though. I'm sure everyone on this list can come up with
quite a few major PC makers that have come and gone since '81. The
companies are the industry darling one year and in big financial
trouble a couple of years later. Gateway is a current maker that
comes to mind with the likes of ALR and AST being in the past.
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