On 08/12/2014 03:19 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
I beleive, strictly, the German diode is an OY3,
not a 0Y3. Old European
semiconductors used the smae letters as the vlave code. The 'O' (not
zero) for the ehater voltage meant semicondcutor device. A is a signal
diode (so OA81, etc), C is a triode -> transsitor (so OC71 germanium
transsitor) and Y is a power diode/rectifier.
A web search brings up the 0Y3 germanium diode, so n0body's perfect...
Yes, and people ask for DB9 connectors and IN4148 diodes....
_Very_ differnet? Yes, the electrode structure is
different, but in some
cases you can directly repalce one with the other. The characteristics
can be vey similar
Try running a 6L6 as a grounded-grid RF amplifier. Easy to do with the
EL34, since the suppressor grid is brought out separately. But I'm sure
that you're aware of many applications where that separate grid comes in
handy, such as suppressor grid modulation.
Not all output pentodes ahve the suppressor grid borught out to a spearate
pin. And while I've not checked al lthe data books, it wouldn't suprise
me if at least one beam tetorde had the beam forming plates brought out
I once tired ot use an EF86 as an AND gate, with the inputs on the
control grid and suppressor grid. It worked, but it needed a lot of -ve
bias o nthe suppressor grid to cut it off.
I also remeembr a Mazda valve, 6F33, which was designed for supressor
grid control. I think it was designed for use i nthe flywheel sync
circuit of a TV set, but I came across it ian an FSK modulator for RTTY
which had 2 oscillators (mark and space) and a pair of 6F33s to get them
to the output
A friend built a GG final for his 160 meter rig using
10 of them in
parallel with the heaters in series, powered right from the line.
Interesting experiment.
I met a chap who made a transmitter where all the valves were 807s. Even
the rectivfiers (all grids strapped ot the andoe, an 807 as a diode...).
I've also noticed that the anode slope of a 6080 (big double triode used
as the series pass elemenet in Tekky 'scope PSUs, amongst other things)
is about 120 Ohms. I have wondered about paralleling up 15 or 16 sections
and directly drivign an 8 ohm speaker.... Or maybe a totem pole output
stage -- Philips tried them, with a UL84 on top of an EL84 driving some
high-impedance speaker (800 ohmes?) .It worked, but the very fine wire of
the high impedance speech coil was prone to going O/C