John Allain said:
Bill Morgart said:
Does anybody have any info on
...(any 68k based wicat hardware)?
(Oh Sh*t, a Wicat.
I'm supposed to know something about Wicats.)
But seriously,
I picked one up about 1.5 years ago and haven't
tossed it nor it's "WCMS" OS documentation.
Rather Neat OS, about half way on the logarithmic
scale between MSDOS(ug) and VMS<g>.
Here's two rather lame offers, and more:
1./ Supply round trip postage and I'll loan
you selected Docs for a nontrivial while.
2./ I can probably contact our (retired) Wicat
expert and give him your number.
3./ If you develop a strong interest I may just
throw in mine for free.
John A.
Thanks but unless the docs are hardware related like at the device
programming level they're probably of not much use to me since I intend (or
would like to) use it as a base 68k platform ... ie put another OS on it..
Thanks again,
PS: I already have two so you get to keep yours ;) !