Please feel free to ignore this message.
I'm not sure anyone but me cares, but I would like to 'see' some of you
and assume some of you might be curious enough to 'see' me. You people
fascinate me and it seems natural to assume the reverse. In that sense, I
think this message is on-topic. We are a community of sorts after all, and
that community has given me a great deal.
If you would like to see me and my family you are welcome. I've got my
wedding 'Mpeged' thanks to the efforts of a good friend and if you would
like to view it, you may by anonymous ftp.
FTP to and set for binary. Get wwedding.mpg. It is not your
standard, boring ceremony and is worth the time.
Fair warning: I'm limited by my provider to 16kpbs for outgoing traffic
and the video is 150mb or so.
You're login is "anonymous" and no password is required or requested.
Your's truely,
The Worley family
The Worley family:
30 Greenwood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803