-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel T. Burrows <dburrows(a)netpath.net>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Tuesday, 27 October 1998 1:35
Subject: Re: Microvaxen bits etc.
For your ref. the delqa is a M7516 and add -YM for the
"turbo" version. I
just checked the DDA for any listed in Australia and none are listed. If
you want I will go through the subscriber list and find some for you.
DDA? Ok, thanks. Appreciated.
While I'm
at it, AUI-10Base2(or t) transceivers are also getting rare,
(around here anyway) since I have a Vax 6220 in need as well, any good
S/H preferred. I'd like 2 or 3 if possible.
I know it doesn't help much for shipping concerns but Datacom Warehouse
carries them for about $25 either 10base2 or 10baset.
Not much. That equates to about A$50 plus shipping across the Pacific.
But if all else fails. I am led to believe I can get a new one for about
A$75 or so, but I
need to confirm this. That's more than I wanted to pay, but I may not have
a choice.
BTW, Huw, did
you ever come across a source for a Vax 8530-Console cable?
(With that subject line, I just know you'll read this!)
Which console cable are you looking for? I may have one.
The multiplex cable with 2 d connectors at each end that go from the DEC
Pro380 Vaxconsole to
the backplane of the VAX 85xx series of computers. (Nautilus I think is the
processor family)
Geoff Roberts
Computer Room Internet Cafe
Port Pirie
South Australia.
(my other life)