I had a 2B - bought from Display! GPO badge... I ran
a BBS on it for
several years (the BBC micro sat on top of it!) until I got a
prototype nightingale auto-answer from Pace.
Incidentally, the 2B has a ring-detect relay inside, which asserts Ring
Indicate (pin 22) of the RS232 connector when trigger. You have to make a
few more conenctions to tbe barrier strip, in particular one to the bell
wire in the telephone cabe, and add a 3K resistor (or a Thermistor 13A?).
I built a box off TTL that sits on top of the 2B and which does
auto-answer (inculuding hanging up after a suitable time delay if it
looses carrier), dialing (by toggling the DTR line the right number of
times, etc. I probablty still have the scheamtics somewhere, along with
the notes I made on linking up the ring detect relay.
I remember being fascinated by the kit they had available, but it was
A lot of it seemed to be very expensive and not in particularly good
tricky enough getting the 2B home to Manchester.. I
seem to recall I
It couldn't be worse than the time I took a GT40 (complete with monitor)
on a train from Bristol to London :-)