Hi folks!
I'm a newbie - I just subscribed. ;-)
I'm having some difficulty with a SPARCstation LX I rescued from the
dumpster at work. It's got SunOS 4.1.3_UI installed on it, but it expects
to find a server on a network. I can boot to the "#" prompt with "boot
but with autoboot the machine tries to find a server called "scanlab" on the
TPE. It reports le0: No Carrier... and retries ad infinity.
OK... the OS is intact.
There's two problems here:
The ethernet le0 is not connected to the network and it's trying
to connect. The No Carrier problem possibly be fixed by removing
/etc/defaultrouter and /etc/defaultdomain -- so it doesn't try
to start the network at boot.
/etc/fstab may be trying to mount disks from a server over NFS
and it may be set for yp (nis) for password authentication from a
But what I really want to do is just install a fresh copy of Solaris 2.4.
I've got a CD marked "Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94" but I don't know if
it is
really the solaris install cd.
Solaris 2.4 was no bargain... I wouldn't use anything less than 2.5.
I'd probably try 2.6. On IPX's and Sparc2's I'd prefer the SunOS
4.1.3_U1. The LX should (iirc) run Solaris 8 as well. I believe the
architecture is Sun4m rather than Sun4c.
Also, when i boot from the cdrom ("boot
cdrom"), the system starts loading
SunOS 5.4. But I get a warning immediately after the copyright appears.
"Data transfer overrun" and it prints out "current esp states:" and
several esp states.... (whatever those are)...
Sounds like scsi termination or cable problems. Does your CD drive
do 512 byte sectors instead of 2k. To install on a Sun or Vax is has
I'm sorry that I'm such a newbie. This is my
very first Sun machine and I'm
very excited about getting it up and running, but I know nthing about it :-(
No problem.
I'm open to any suggestions that you folks might give me...
Here's my setup:
Sun SPARCstation LX, 48MB RAM, 450MB internal hd, external 411 hd (ID 1) -
not sure of the capacity but I think it's ~500MB, and a Matsushita (LaCie
rebranded) CD-R at ID 6.
Sounds like it could be the CD.
I know many Teac's, Toshibas and Sony's can do 512bytes/sector.
I've got a couple of Sun compatible CD drives if you need them.
BTW -- the LX will take standard 72 pin true parity simms
if you want to update the memory.
I've got an IPX which tops out at 64mb...
Thanks for being patient with me!
No problem.
Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a
villain in a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller