Back in December I posted about an open source,
stand alone ASCII terminal
project for old computers -
The VT6, a simplified single host port version, is available now - PC
boards, partial kits and full kits of all parts. It was actually available
back in March, but the first run of parts sold out just on the Spare Time
Gizmos group and I never got a chance to announce it elsewhere. The second,
much larger, run of parts is now available and hopefully there should be
plenty this time around.
The VT6 is a small PC board, about 2.5" by 4", that uses a VGA monitor and
a PS/2 keyboard and is able to do pretty much anything a VT220 can. The
firmware is about 95% written in C (with about 5% assembler) and is open
source and GPL licensed. The tool chain used for development, including the
SDCC C compiler, is all free. The microprocessor is flash based and
firmware updates can be downloaded from any PC over an ordinary serial port.
I am having trouble unziping the zip file. Windows here does not seem to want to
unzip it. I get 'unknown compression' ... nothing gets extracted.
PS. about 703KB file size. Ben.
If you need a terminal, it's just the thing to
stick in the back of your
classic computer.
The hardware for the other version of this terminal, known as the VT5 is
also finished and really only needs the firmware to be ready. The VT5
supports multiple host ports and sessions with split screen displays,
downloadable fonts and (if we can get the firmware written!) ReGIS and/or
Tek 4010 type graphics.
The firmware is really the limiting factor for everything (isn't that
always the truth??) and we could use help with the programming. There's a
Source Forge project for the firmware here -
and the Spare Time Gizmos page for the VT6 parts and PCBs is here -
There's also a manual (unfinished - we could use help with that too!) -
Bob Armstrong