-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Jay Jaeger via cctalk
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 6:40 PM
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: HP vintage boards being sold as scrap
There is a stack of IO interface boards, including
HSTs, for the HP 2100/1000 series there.
Lower-right stack in this pic, 7 boards, boards have one red and one grey handle:
"HS Terminal" is discernible on one of them, and the one on top looks to be an
HS Terminal as well.
Can't be certain about the others but they have the same size IO connector, they may
all be HSTs.
HSTs are the basic RS232 & current loop, async serial-line interface boards, 12531D,
used for the console and such in the 2100/1000 series,
going back to the early machines of the series.
(HS is 'High-Speed', but that's relative to the late-60s, billed for up to
2400bps, but it is possible to operate them at higher speeds).
I'd buy one for, say 60$, if someone picks up the bunch and wants to flog one.
I would be in that same camp, assuming one of these would also work in a
2112B ("M Series") machine.
They are readily available, individually, on eBay. See "HP12531".
There are currently two listed at reasonable prices, plus reasonable shipping.
For reference, this:
You probably want the HP 12531D. Both of the current eBay listings are the
I believe that the HP 12531C is what is visible on