Quoting Dave McGuire <mcguire at
On Nov 30, 2007, at 10:30 PM, J Blaser wrote:
cheekiness, does anyone have schematics and/or
Engineering Drawings
for this 11/
750. Maybe I could actually try to sort it out if I had some more
at least until I electrocute myself! :o
I'm fairly certain that I have 11/750 prints here, but I will have to
find them. Let me know if you don't find them elsewhere quickly enough
and I'll start digging.
Thanks, Dave, for the offer (and to all others giving helpful advice in this
thread). I *did* find the schematics last night on
vt100.net/manx, so I just
need to spend some time now looking them over, and seeing what I can do.
I do have some very basic tools, and a 'scope, and I guess my plan is to try to
look for some bad passives first, unpowered, then take whatever next steps seem
reasonable. These PSs are pretty tightly packed, in a 3-D kind of way, and I'm
not sure I'm up to poking around inside with it powered. I might touch
something I shouldn't with a probe, and make things worse! ;) We will see...
As things progress I'll give a report, but don't hold your breath for quick
news. I've got a lot to learn first.
- Jared
I like to solder wires to interesting points, run them outside of
whatever I'm working and attach them to a something (paint stir stick)
so they don't short out. That way I can look at the signals without
risking a short, especially on high voltage stuff.