<Ah... you needed the scripts I wrote eleven years ago... they would
<build a console TU58 with EXCHANGE and sling the files out to the tape
<in the right order. The benefit was that apparently the microprocessor
<in the TU58 (at least on the 11/730, don't know about the 11/750) would
<buffer the directory so that the only seeks were to *read* files, not to
<*locate* the files.
The majik was to assemble a freshly inited tape with the files in the
correct order, or you end up doing rewind/seek operations and they are
There were other TU58 tricks for RT11 like putting "bad" blocks at the ends
so the tape would not have wraparound files. Ya know, 3 blocks at the end
and then rewind completely to get the next four.