On May 17, 2015, at 13:02, Henk Gooijen
<henk.gooijen at hotmail.com> wrote:
For your 11/03 you could also go for a TK70 + TQK70.
The TK70 is better than the TK50 (heard/read from other chaps),
and with the TK70 you can *read* TK50 tapes (not write though).
There is no UNIBUS interface for the TK70 (AFAIK).
I've put an offer on a TK50AA internal drive, but I see that somebody else has already
bought the big box of TK50 tapes. I snooze, I lose! Well, I kind of wanted to experiment
with an old TK50 drive anyway, so I'll look for some other tape(s) to play with.
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>