On 07/30/2014 5:30 PM, pdaguytom . wrote:
I've got an HP 85a that didn't fare well in
it's recent travels to me. The
flyback transformer broke away from the video board breaking 4 of the 6/7
leads (this was apparently an early flyback, it had a U shaped threaded rod
secured with nuts & washers on the backside of the video board that broke
at the outside bend). The unit did boot and run before it's trip so its
worth repairing. I've not been able to source the transformer (or the
video board) at anything below just buying a complete machine again.
Anyone got a lead on one or know of a transformer that could be substituted?
The flyback can probably be substituted if you can figure out the
frequency and output voltages and match to a similar one. Is the HV
diode separate or integrated into the flyback body? Is the insulation
wax or some other compound?
Depending on the era it is possible that HP used off-the-shelf flyback
for their monitor so if there are manufacturers markings on the flyback
that may give a guide.
There is a TV/Radio parts shop in our area that has(had?) a cross
reference for flybacks and they may be able to help -
http://mainelectronics.com/orderform.html (contact info at bottom of
this page).
I have a collection of NOS Motorola 1970s B&W monitor parts that were
used in arcade games, including a variety of flybacks. However I have no
idea if these are potentially of any use to you...
I've had some success soldering on tiny wires to flybacks where there
was just a smidgen of wire sticking out. A steady hand and a hot tip (to
melt off the varnish) can work wonders. The added wire needs to have
flex available after added so it isn't going to stress the joint if the
flyback body shifts at all.
Good hunting!
John :-#)#
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"