On 6 August 2014 18:35, der Mouse <mouse at rodents-montreal.org> wrote:
(I assume this was in resposne to a response to my
response to the
duckduckgo note.)
So your email threading is also broken. Right.
> It's
not "broken".
It's broken as far as I'm concerned: it renders it unusable for me.
> Why would you not want HTTPS?
I neither have nor want HTTPS support; it provides little-to-nothing I
care about
OIC. The Duell defence, as I think of it -- "I don't want it,
therefore it is a useless waste of bytes, no matter if the rest of the
world runs on it."
This being so, rationality is discarded and it is purely a matter of
personal preference. And as we all know, /de gustibus non est
disputandum/, or perhaps /chacun ? son go?t/.
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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