Will Jennings wrote:
Stopped by the scrapper today and found this: IBM 3742 Dual Data Station.
There's not much left of it, so I grabbed the little nametag off it for my
archaic weird stuff to decorate the walls collection, but I'm curious what
it is. The only thing I could find (in German, no less) was a mention from
1975 about it having something to do with 8" disks and System/32.
Will J
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At one point I worked for a Job Training program. In our part of the program
we trained people to be keypunch operators. We used machine that were made by
TAB corp and consisted of two keyboards, two 8" floppies and 1 CRT (which was
displayed in two displays with a mirror arrangement). the two users would sit
facing each other with the floppy drive on the right for each. Each with their
own keyboard. The machine would accept data from the keyboard and "punch" it
to the 8" drives, 80 collumns per record (I think). You could set it up much
the same way you could setup a card punch machine (ie it could do alpha or
numeric or duplicate fields based on a "programming" record.) It also had a
function to compare typed against already entered records for verifacation.