On Tuesday, May 28, 2019, 10:36:10 AM PDT, William
Donzelli via cctalk <cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
Those knobs look like they are cast pop metal or zinc or something,
not Bakelite.
They are metal for sure. Probably cast. They are smooth, though there's a bit of
corrosion and pitting on them now.There's a set screw at the bottom of the back
Dwight suggest casting one. I've never done casting before but this might be a good
thing to try it on.Would have to drill the shaft and set screw holes afterwards, and a bit
of finish work to make them smooth.It's a cool panel so probably worth the effort if I
can't find one out there
somewhere...> Bob
I agree casting might be for you the easiest way to go, then spray it. It's an unusual
but a good enough copy for 3D printing could be done in OpenSCAD from a few caliper
disk dia, disk rim height, overall height, dip angle, top paddle width, bottom paddle
top indent length/width/depth and paddle front radius ought to be enough.