So I've decided to try and build up a KE11-A Extended Arithmetic Element. I
have most of the boards (although I*m missing a M234 Register dual-width
board, if anyone has one).
The main thing I'm missing at this point is a backplane. I do have a BB11
(which came out of an old piece of data acquisition gear, or something like
that) which I can wire up, but before I start on that I figured I'd ask and
see if anyone has one they would be willing to part with. (Hah-hah!)
If not, if someone does have one, even if you want to hang onto it, I'd really
appreciate good photos of the pin side of the backplane, so I have a more
detailed idea (than just the prints) on how the wiring goes.
And speaking of the prints, although there are a scanned set online, they are
pretty low-res, and some parts (e.g. the wire list, which was typical line
printer output) are hard to read as a result. So a new scan would be really,
really appreciated.
Thanks (I hope)!