Dan Williams wrote:
On 25/09/05, Witchy <witchy at
binarydinosaurs.co.uk> wrote:
I would be if a) my 480z worked and b) I had a floppy drive for it :)
Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the UKs biggest home computer collection?
I've been trying to get hold of one of these and a 380z for ages, they
seem to be quite scarce now. Unless I'm looking in the wrong places.
Disk hardware for a 480Z seems to be extremely rare. It appaears that
RML wanted people to really use the 480Z with cassette units, and floppy
was really only for a shared disk system on a network - so whilst
finding a 380Z is pretty difficult, finding a disk unit for a 480Z is an
order of magnitude harder.
Having said that, I haven't heard of any available 480Z's for a few
years now - they seem to have vanished (surprising, given that they must
have been *reasonably* common in schools at one point - did RML offer
trade-ins for Nimbus hardware and then crush all the 480Zs or something?)
I've put a message out to the museum folks to see if they can rescue
this disk; I don't think we have the welcome one...