--- "John R. Keys Jr." <jrkeys(a)concentric.net> wrote:
In no special order I would like to find a Commodore
Amiga CD32...
I still have mine that I bought new. I use it to play CD+G discs and
not much else. Wish I had the MPEG cart - got some VCDs that would
be fun to play on it. I have an SX-1 adapter that turns a CD32 into
sort of an A1200, but I haven't had the time to check it out and put
it together. Does anyone have any docs for that? The jumpers are
labelled, so there's not much guesswork, but any docs are more than
I have now.
The other thing I wouldn't mind getting is a replacement CD-TV. I
had one that I bought new for $800 that was stolen when my house was
burglarized 9 years ago - they got my A500 (with WEDGE XT drive adapter)
and a couple of PETs. Fortunately for me at the time, they didn't have
time to grab my over-expanded A1000 (Rejuvinator, Spirit InBoard, etc.).
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