Thanks for the assistance to date!
Actually, I have a second M7800 card installed on the PDP-11/10 machine. I
was having so much difficulty with getting a 20mA terminal (LA36-DP - OEM of
an LA36) to work, I just about disabled the console SLC and reconfigured the
the M7800 to work as the console! I also have M780 spares if I need them.
(If anyone knows anything about the dip switches on the DataSouth Printer
board in the LA-36DP P/n 5120000-1, I would be most grateful!)
As far as memory, there are two 16kw core systems installed on this machine.
I also have lots of paper tapes (mostly diagnostics, but also Fortran
compiler), and 9-track tapes. I am needing to know what I am looking for to
get RT-11 running. What did DEC call their install tapes? eg. Is the
"RT-11 V03B BIN MT9 1/2" tape the boot/install tape?
Is RT-11 the easiest O/S to get installed? I want to get to a point where I
can verify the hardware is all running.
As far as media devices, I have 3 x RK05, 1 x TS03, 2 x RX01, 1 x TU58. I
am trying to decide what will be moved to the PDP-11/10 from the 11/20. The
goal is to have the PDP-11/20 up and running. Getting the PDP-11/10 is just
a step along the way.
Where is this VTServer people had mentioned? I don't recall this item.
From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502(a)>
Reply-To: cctalk(a)
To: cctalk(a)
Subject: Re: resurrecting a PDP-11/10
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 08:14:12 -0800 (PST)
--- pavl <pzachary(a)> wrote:
I would strongly recommend using TU58.exe on a
host pc to emulate a
serial tape drive on your second serial port (you DO have a second slu?)
On a machine that old? Unlikely. Machines of the era before the DZ-11,
and especially machines that were not destined for timesharing, tended
to have few serial ports, - a console and probably nothing else. It was
a boon that a low-end Qbus machine commonly came with a DLV11J with a
port for the console, a port for a TU58 and two more ports for DECwriters
or machine-to-machine communication or whatever.
It's easy enough to _add_ a second SLU card, (DL-11something), _if_
you have one lying around (which I expect he doesn't).
to boot RT11 off virtual tape so you can poke
around and build a system
from there.
As a place to put RT-11, a virtual TU58 isn't a bad idea. Hopefully
wharever emulator you have can emulate both units - the TU58 is kinda
small, even compared with 8" floppies.
VTserver is really amazingly great, but you may
not have enough ram and
booting RT or XXDP from a slu will give you better diagnostics to assess
your RK05,etc
How much RAM does VTserver require? Older versions of RT-11 (those
contemporary with the 11/10) are usable at aroun 8KW, IIRC. Of course
the full 28KW is nice, especially if you want to run large apps like
ADVENT, but the CUSPS should all run with minimal RAM.
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