Chuck writes:
- Smart Media : only one that makes sense these days.
up to 32MB are available.
Interesting...but I'd still recommend Compact Flash:
Compact Flash cards are available with a lot more memory. A friend of mine
just bought an 80 MB on, and you can get them up to at least 128 MB.
Plus, cameras compatible with Compact Flash version 2 should be able to use
the IBM compact-flash-form-factor-and-compatible hard disk drive for 300+
MB. Additionally, Compact Flash has an adaptor that lets you plug it into a
PCMCIA slot. this means I can switch my
Compact Flash between my camera, my HP 200 LX, Libretto, and desktop
(which has a PCMCAI slot).
Pricewatch shows a single 16 MB Smart Media (for $65) (and that's the largest
they list), but they show four sources for 16 MB Compact Flash cards for $42
to $75. Pricewatch shows Compact Flash up to 48 MB. (I.e., yes...we've just
shown that they don't have an exhaustive list ... but that's irrelevant)