On 1 February 2012 18:47, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
On 02/01/2012 01:34 PM, David Riley wrote:
Apple has apparently decided that they don't need a
line wrap option in their mail client, which I otherwise
very much prefer. ?Manual line wrap is problematic when
there's no column position indicator.
?I switched to Thunderbird for precisely that reason. ?I really liked OS X's
Mail.app for several years, but it just seemed to become less nice with each
release. ?I wish they'd learn to just leave stuff the hell alone when it
works well and does everything it needs to do.
And once again, I have to agree. If anything, T'bird was actually a
bit more visual and GUIfied - for instance, you could just click on
the blob that indicates read/unread status to toggle it. In Apple
Mail, it's a menu operation.
And of course, T'bird is quite happily cross-platform aware: I've
moved a TB2 message store freely between Mac OS X, Windows XP and
Linux with no problems. TB1 struggled with non-native path names -
TB2+ seem to just use relative paths and sort themselves out. I was
really quite impressed.
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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