The question about the ttl oscillator jogged my memory.
Anyone recognize a line of "delay line" chips with names like TD25,
TD50, TD100, etc... The look they were expensive at the time, like $10
around 1976.
The TD100 pinout looks like this:
input | 1 14 | vcc
| 2 13 |
| 3 12 | 20ns
40ns | 4 11 |
| 5 10 | 60s
80ns | 6 9 |
gnd | 7 8 | 100ns
I don't have an exact part number or mfg. (I know where I can find one
but it's not easy and will take some work)
I want to model these in verilog but I'm not exactly sure how they work.
They are delay lines, but I'm not sure how they react. The input seems
to be a short pulse from high to low of about 40ns. I'm assuming this
produces an approx 40ns pulse after the prescibed delay, but I'm not
entirely sure.
I would love to see a few pages from a data book which describes how
these react (enough to model them correctly).
any pointers?