On 7 Oct 2003 at 21:48, Brian Hechinger wrote:
pull the EGA thingie, and you might be able to cram
enough "regular"
PDP-11 bits into it to get it bootstraping correctly and most
importantly trying to use a serial port for console.
Yesterday a co-conspira^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hworker of mine brought in an old
Princeton EGA/VGA monitor. After hooking up the monitor and re-seating a couple
of the cards the system seemed to boot ok, though I did notice that there appeared
to be some 'striction' in the old ST-506 drive ( and yes, I do still have the
touch :-D )
I'm thinking that I am going to pull the custom cards as soon as I get enough stuff to
get it to boot without them, since I REALLY want to run BSD211 on the thing. I'll
need a bigger hard drive also (any one got a couple of RD-54s and controllers to
ooooohhhh, i would be VERY interested to know what
that is and if
there were a way that we could play with it. :)
I would too, but I think that idea is very doubtful since I have absolutlely zero docs
on the thing.