As for a basic rule for purchasing a digital camera,
expect to pay more
than $200 for a decent one that takes pics good enough for a web site
without having to do all sorts of post-processing. Don't settle for a
cheapo one like the low end Kodaks. They suck. Make sure you get one
with removable storage too.
Once you realize you need a really good camera then
spend the big bucks,
but don't go wasting money if you don't need all the fancy features. a
$300 digital camera will do you right for any occasion if you're the
casual photographer (like me.
Once I get back home I'll be creating a web site
for my visit to Peru, all
the pictures having been taken on my D-220L (max. resolution is 640x400
but most of the pictures are 320x200, except for the closeups of the
amazing Inca stonework, which I took at 640x400). They came out great!
Thats exactly what these cameras ar for - taking vacation pictures.
As an example, look at
it took me several atempts to get this picture (and additional stuff
like lightening etc.) with my Camedia 810 and I think it's quite ok
to give an overview. But as you see with the enlargement (done by
Cameron - just factor 2 and I think he did also sharpen it) the
details you can get are quite lousy.
Also it is hard to make a decent picture when you're limited
to one type of lens. To get usable details and figures showing
them _without_ doubts, you just need higher resolution and
interchangeable lenses.
Anyway, Have fun in Peru, lucky one.
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