On Sat, 13 Dec 2014, Jim Brain wrote:
On 12/12/2014 11:06 PM, Jim Brain wrote:
"user 10"
shows no files
Just to be sure, I downloaded a new copy of the image from the
files, put it on a new 360kB disk, popped it into the k10, did user
10, dir, and NO FILES
Are you sure there's supposed to be data there? I've never done a
from-scratch install on the K10, so I'm not sure what the process is.
Well, I would not know for sure, but the submit reload command you're
supposed to run does:
pip b:=a:*.*[g10v]
and I read up on g10v, and it says that means to copy files from the
user 10 area.
Jim Brain
brain at