> > The Pentium III with 256MB and 10GB hard
disk sitting on my desk should be
> > something in the TerraZuse range (or much higher).
> So this stupid Pentium is a 10^12 times more
geeky then a Zuse ?
> Come on. This is the geeknes factor. If the pentium gets a nanozuse
> it's already way overrated.
Ok, I see your point. I guess the thing to do then is
make the Zuse
number be between 0 and 1. A zero would mean a computer fresh off the
assembly line.
I thought about including an age factor (ln2(age)) into
the formula, but then you never get a stable result.
Well, we might of course add a Z-eff value, which is
Z * ln2(age)
> > We should also factor in user I/O. Machines
that used front panels and
> > blinkenlights should have much lower (i.e. more classic) scores than those
> > that have keyboards and 16MB bit-mapped displays with 24 million colors
> > and what not.
> Machines with blikenlights are bigger and more
heavy than modern
> workstations, so you got this included. If we use to arbitrarily
> citeria (like Display, MS ability, etc. pp. it looks less 'serious'.
So you're only counting the CPU "box" in
the equation?
Well, for stand alone machines i'd say yes. Alas you may
include necersary perhipherals. Like operators desk and
so on. But only necersary - a Zuse doesn't work without
the operator desk, while a average unix box quite well
boots without console terminal.
BTW: who cares about PC boxes ?
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen