Chuck Guzis schrieb:
Date: Tue, 05
Feb 2008 20:25:07 -0500
From: Allison
Maufacturing no. Design yes. back then there was
little if any automated
chip design so anything to save time or transistors on the die was good.
The redundant moves are simple example of not decoding all possible
states. Saves transistors at a time when getting things on that much
silicon was still hard.
My point was "documentation" of these instructions as such was
unnecessary. Had the documentation simply said "---", they wouldn't
have been used, freeing the codes for later exploitation. But once
documented as valid moves, there's no going back.
00H was the only *documented* no-op as such.
It does not help not to document those
instrs in the hope that they can
later be reused when more transistors become available. Those
"undocumented instructions" *were* used in any software product where
the programmers became aware of ., and be it only for the reason to
make it harder to understand the code by competitors (thus have
disassemblers stumble on them). Typical example were the Z80 "mov
xx,reg" instructions where xx is IXL,IXH,IYL,IYH which are side effects
of adding a DD/FD prefix to "mov L,reg" or "mov H,reg" which were,
my own disassembly activities frequently used in Z80 CP/M code.
Admittedly, the inplace moves like "mov B,B" are often only useful for
alternative NOPs, but I remember having seen also creative uses of such
codes as part of some data structure which happened to have a suitable
pattern to execute as some code - again to obscure the program logic to
interested hackers. Typical was also to use a three byte instr like "lda
xxyy" where xx,yy formed another instruction like a short jump which is
executed on PC+1, but skipped on PC+0 (location of lda).
Almost every 8 bit CPU of that time had one or more "undocumented
opcodes" resulting from don't cares in the instruction decoding logic.