On Feb 12, 2013, at 10:25 AM, "Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinedp3k at compsys.to>
E. Groenenberg
Just wondering, is it possible to upgrade a CMD
CQD-220/T/M to a
CQD-220/TM by replacing the 2 firmware eproms?
I always though that there were just 3 different boards:
(a) CQD 220/TM
(b) CQD 220/M
(c) CQD 220/T
If so, the CQD 220/T/M would already support both tape
and disk, but perhaps not at the same time as a CQD 220/TM
is able to do?
Perhaps I misinterpreted the question, but I thought he meant
shorthand for EITHER a /T or an /M. I'm not aware of a /T/M
model, either.
- Dave