RE: Dunno about the H-9, but the H-19 was a nice
terminal. I have one
hooked up to an H-11; works great.
Bob Armstrong
The H-19 was a great terminal. It was a truly great product. Great
functionality, solid and reliable, and economical. And Heathkit and Zenith
sold a ton of them, tens of thousands (might have even gotten up over
100,000). The H-89 (and all of its' variants) was just an H-19 with a
single board Z-80 computer stuffed into the same cabinet.
There were actually two major variants of the H-19, the original one and the
later one that was re-engineered to meet FCC Class "B" RFI reduction
approval. They are functionally the same, and the overall circuitry and
firmware are more or less the same, but there are some changes internally
(fairly major, actually). You can tell the later one because there is a
circuit card on the CRT socket; on the early one, the CRT socket was just a
CRT socket with wires running to the deflection board assembly.