I picked up an IMSAI turnkey computer with dual disk drives and am
looking for some docs on the boards.
It uses an MPU-B card which has an 8085 and some software in a 2716. I
can't seem to find a manual on the
web for it, nor for the DIO & PDS II board (which are the disk
controller boards) can anyone point me to a
manual or schematic? I assume this boots from the EPROM and talks to a
serial port on the MPU-B card.
No cables, or software came with it. Here's all of the boards it has:
SIO Rev 3
PIO Rev 1.1 (Mits, not IMSAI)
DIO Rev 1.1 Disk Controller
PDS II STD Rev 1 Data Separator (w/above)
D.C Hays Micromodem 100
The dual floppy system uses CalComp, Caldisk 142M 8" drives.
I would love to try and get this running (CP/M?). I probed around the
serial connectors, but do not see any
data coming out after reset. Before I start to trace down the boot EPROM
circuit, I thought I'd ask here first.
Here photos of the system: