[Tandy PC8]
Not familiar with that one, I'm afraid. May be one
of the many
machines that didn't really catch on over here.
The Tandy / Radio Shack Pocket Computers were actually made by either
Sharp or Casio, and were prety close to standard machines of those
The PC1 was almost identical to the Sharp PC1211 (IIRC, the difference
was that the former didn't have a Yen sign on the keyboard, but the
appropriate keystrokes still generated it).
The PC2 was similar to the Sharp PC1500. Similar but not identical. The
circuitry was the same, the ROM was the same (or at least close enough
that the peripherals -- printer and RS232 interface -- for one would work
on the other). But the keyboard layout was different. This would have
meant a new top case moulding and new upper PCB, so no idea why they did
it, but they did. I found this out the hard way, I have the Radio Shack
RS232 module. In the ROM is a dumb terminal emulator program. It rusn
fine on the Sharp, but the supplied overlay (to indicate the functions of
some of the keys) doesn't fit.
I think the PC3 was also a Sharp.
The PC4 was a Casio PB410. AFAIK it was identical
The PC5, 6, 7 were also Casio, but I can't remember the details. And I've
never seen a PC8