On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, Carlos Murillo wrote:
... but the name "Solaris" is an
after-the-fact invention
for many of these releases; I don't see any mention of Solaris
in my 4.1.1 Rev. B CDs or docs.
Not at all. I have CDs published by Sun designated "Solaris 1.0.1 (a
release of SunOS 4.1.2 and OpenWindows 2.0)", from that time.
Really, the confusion stems from Sun continuing to differentiate the
"Solaris" product from "SunOS" until the SunOS 5 days.
It does, thanks. So, could anyone make ISO copies of
SUNBIN releases of the two versions above and put them
on the web?
I think Sun would take a dim view of that. Contact me off list and I'll
see if there might not be another way I could help.