On 04/07/2013 03:55 PM, MG wrote:
For those that
say the mainframe (specifically IBM 360/370/390/z-series
architecture) is dead, I would say not.
For the record, /I/ didn't say it was dead; I was mostly quoting
others and also referenced an article.
For the record, you have been spouting off for two days about how dead the
mainframe is. You've been doing a lot more than just quoting an article
written by a journalist who knows even less about this stuff than you do.
YOU have been railing on and on, including your dreaded ad hominem attacks,
as if it's your personal mission in life to CAUSE the mainframe industry to
die. You started this pointless drivel by mentioning (not even quoting, that
I recall, just MENTIONING, but I could be wrong about that) an article
published in a good but notoriously "oooh shiny" publication. An article, I
might add, that was very poorly-researched.
I've mostly observed that it's, although
perhaps not dead (yet?),
/rather invisible/ nowadays. I'm not sure what is worse.
IBM doesn't mind. Their customers don't mind. Why do YOU mind?
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA