2009/3/12 Dan Williams <williams.dan at gmail.com>
repeatedly tried and failed to get a hobbyist licence in the UK,
for any amount of money, I've come to the conclusion that either DEC
really really dislike hobbyists or they actively want you to pirate VMS.
I am in the UK. You need to be a member of Encompass to get the
license. I joined the USA group as it is free. The UK branch costs ?50
a year for a hobby membership.
Try here :
It can take a month or so, but as soon as you get a membership number
you get a license for the hobbyist website.
Same here, never had a problem registering with encompass for free despite
being in the UK. One thing I did find was that my ISP (demon) like to
silently filter the license PAKs as junkmail when they get emailed out, so
it looks like the license request process isn't working but in fact it's
some stupid spam filter getting in the way.
Pete Edwards
"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future" - Niels