On 6/20/2012 12:05 PM, Joachim Thiemann wrote:
Anyone considering the minimg Amiga
simulator"? I'm fairly certain there are non-amiga FPGA images for
it already - after all it's just a 68k, RAM, some IO, all with just a
fat FPGA in the middle (and a PIC to load it and interface the SD
Seems to me it would be a great platform to try 68k interfacing.
I own a minimig with an upgraded ARM processor. It has a 68k onboard,
and of course the fpga for reproducing the custom chips.
I will buy an FPGA arcade replay as soon as they are released. I'm on
the pre-release list.
I will probably also buy this
I've been trading emails with one of their primary hardware HDL
developer guys who are more or less modifying the minimig core and
adapting the 68k softcore to fit their hardware. They use an 16k
altera, and it's pretty impressive that they are fitting everything.....
Very cool stuff. Definitely gets my rocks off.
P.S. I also have a couple home-brew fpga based amiga-based hardware
projects that I'm working on for myself.