I've recently come into ownership of some Seagate
97229 1.2GB IPI interface hard drives. I just don't
have any equipment that can talk to IPI drives. So, I
was hoping to be able to convert these drives to work
on SMD. Since these look and seem almost identical to
the CDC/Seagate/Imprimis drives that I use already, I
thought it would be a simple interface board swap.
Granted, I don't have any 1.2gig drives, mine are 9720
8xx mb drives.
So, here's what I tried. I tried swapping both boards
(with believed good boards from a dead disk 8xx
drive). The main logic board from the 8xxmb drive fits
just fine - one of the connectors underneath has fewer
pins, but it mates up. I was hoping that this would
just mean the extra heads on the HDA would simply be
unused. Wishful thinking I know, but it doesn't work
at all - the power supply won't come on - this must
cause a dead short.
So, tried swapping back the original logic and
interface boards, and the drive spins up fine, comes
ready and seems OK. I swapped in the control/status
panel from the 8xx mb drive - this works just fine,
and the one I swapped in has the full LCD and keypad -
which work properly.
Tried swapping just the interface boards, this time
the drive displays a Fault on powerup, and while I can
get it to spin like this, it never comes ready. I even
tried swapping the firmware ROMs between the boards,
still doesn't work.
Now, I am imagining here that the incompatibilities in
parts are likely because I am using boards and parts
from a different capacity of drive - I know that the
logic from a smaller drive would never work properly
on a larger one, I was just hoping that it might let
me use some of the surfaces. I don't have an SMD
interface 1.2gb drive to try this with - so I figured
I would ask - has anyone changed the interface of one
of these Sabre drives before? I can't imagine how the
HDA would be different between a 1.2gb IPI and a 1.2GB
SMD, but you never know. I've had luck before swapping
controllers between IDE and SCSI drives, and
occasional luck going between drives of slightly
different capacity.
What machines used IPI disks? I know that an IPI
controller was available for Sun3 VME based machines
(of which I have only ONE). Don't see anything listed
in the field guide about a qbus or unibus IPI
controller. What about larger Vaxen?