... Terminal emulator for TRS-80 Model 1?
I found two manuals, but I'd need to track down the actual software here,
depends on what kind of Model 1 you're talking about, new or old (disk or
cassette). A quick check revealed:
Modem 80 (disk program requires 32K and disk)
"Mostly BASIC - Interfacing / Scientific" which is a telephone dialer
cassette program by Howard Berenbon.
The Tandy modem must have come with something to dial the phone? I am sure
I could find at least one or two more.
It's on my short list to archive TRS 80 1 disks (III and 4 too) now that I
have an imaging station and I have largely finished the 8" disks I have
left. I have a lot more 5 1/4" software but it'd be worth the effort.
Bug me if you want me to bump the comms utilities I have to the top of the