At 12:34 AM -0500 1/10/07, William Donzelli wrote:
So in Central
Ohio, at least, 36-bits survived into the 21st Century
for commercial usage.
Shhh....don't tell Unisys.
For that matter, what is GCOS-8 running on these days? I know it's
still around, though it looks like they might be moving to 64-bit
Itanium 2.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
| MONK::HEALYZH (DECnet) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |