On 22/06/10 20:35, Tony Duell wrote:
Or me, who spent the time investigating an interestign
HP serial
interface module containing an 8048 microcotnroller and a Z80-SIO serial
Reverse engineering is a great way to spend a day! :)
I've got a Planar EL panel on my desk, "liberated" from a supply of Sun
spares (apparently it's meant for a StorEdge A5000 series box). 160x80
pixels, and a 6x3 touchscreen. Very cool looking -- though interestingly
my camera picks it up as green, even though it's an amber display (looks
like a hybrid of a GRiD gas-plasma panel and an amber CRT). Natch.
Anyway, I think I spent about three days probing and tweaking it. It's a
standard controller (Epson SED1335) but the touch screen controller is
an ASIC. Turns out it's nice and simple though... Full details (pinouts
and code) on my website if anyone's interested.
classiccmp at philpem.me.uk