On Thu, 28 May 2009, John Honniball wrote:
Gene Buckle wrote:
I'd love to find a 7" color VGA display.
Even a 7" LCD panel with a 4:3
aspect ratio would work.
I have an Olivetti VGA colour monitor with a 9-inch screen.
If you want to find one like it, the model number is:
John, thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, a 7" diagonal monitor is the
largest I can use. It's a replacement for the 1:1 aspect ratio screen
that was originally installed in the MPCD of the F-15C I'm rebuilding into
a simulator. I've got a 7" monochrome display shoe-horned into the
chassis now, but it really should be a color display.
Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007
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