Hi, The grey/beige HP terminal with heavy keyboard
that have
black and white "squashed" monitor shaped does have this 8008 chip
in one of its "card". Accessible by tripping two catches between the
shells to hinge up the monitor to reveal the cards in bottom case
Jason D.
Very nice info. Unfortunately it would be difficult for me to bump into
one of those in this country but if any of you does would he/she PLEASE
get it for me?
Thank you
Enrico Tedeschi, 54, Easthill Drive, BRIGHTON BN41 2FD, U.K.
tel/fax +(0)1273 701650 (24 hours) or 0850 104725 mobile
website <http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~e.tedeschi>
visit Brighton: <http://www.brighton.co.uk/tourist/welcome.htm>